Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Easy Cake Pudding

If you have any left over cake or the cake that doesn't taste good, you can easily turn it into a delicious cake pudding in 5 mnts. I bought some marble cake thinking its good, but the cake some how didn't taste as the usual marble cake and no one even looked back into this after the first bite. So i thought making something out of it with what i have in my kitchen. With the left over cake and ice-cream and some fruits and nuts, I tried out a recipe which turned out really delicious after a spicy dinner. We started buying different cakes and different ice-creams to make this irrespective of the taste of the cake.

1. 5-6 slices of cake
2. 4 scoops of Ice-cream
3. 5-6 strawberries or any fruits of your choice , cleaned and cut into half and mixed well with sugar until sugar dissolves
4. Cashew nuts/ Almonds or any kind of nuts of your choice, grated or whole.

1. Melt the ice-cream into liquid using a microwave oven or just keeping it outside for 30 mnts.

2. Soak the sliced cake one bye one in the ice cream till it becomes very soft and the cake is fully loaded with ice-cream.

3. Place a slice of cake in a dish,on the top of it place one or two pieces of strawberries in the center of the slice, and the nuts on the sides. Repeat the same procedure for all the slices.

4. Refrigerate (do not freeze) for an hour or two.

5. The delicious pudding is ready.Cut from the top into all the slices and serve a piece as a layer of cake.

You can select any cake or ice-cream for this recipe, keep in mind that the contrast combination will taste good and never be boring even when eaten a lot.
Vanilla/ Marbel Cake with Choclate Icecream, Strawberry, Mango and even Vanilla Ice cream will be good and Choclate Cakes with vanilla Ice cream. When you use one type of cake,use the other type of Icecream. Vanilla Icecream will go good with most of them.

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